Two Kinds of People – One Digs the Ditch, the Other…

The standard joke posits that there are two kinds of people – those who believe there are two kinds of people and those who don’t.  In today’s politically charged environment almost any issue will have two kinds of people – two willful camps squaring off… Liberal / Conservative Climate change panicked / climate change ambivalent.. read more →

About property rights and “takings” in Colorado

Americans have a centuries-long deep and abiding belief in private property rights.  Equally dear and vigorously defended is the opposition to government seizure or expropriation of property for all but the most compelling of public uses. The U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constitution specially address.. read more →

Election 2018 – Danger Dead Ahead

There are multitudes of reasons to dread elections – volumes of drek flooding the mailbox, tiresome palaver on television in ads and debates, dreary candidates, unsavory choices, endless telephone solicitations and so many more. There is the occasional amusing diversion – candidate peccadilloes, debate missteps such as Rick Perry disremembering the departments he would eliminate,.. read more →

31 Jul 2018
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Charles Krauthammer 1950-2018

Reading the testimonials, watching the memorials on television throughout the weekend and reflecting on countless insights provided by Dr. Charles Krauthammer greatly deepened our sense of loss in his passing. Stories of his generosity, his outreach to others so afflicted, his drolleries and his spirituality mark this man as one of the notable examples of.. read more →

26 Jun 2018

Accommodating a Void

PolicySmith Pays Tribute to Charles Krauthammer For most of the past year, viewers of Bret Baier’s Fox News Special Report have had to endure their favorite news analysis program without its titular head, Charles Krauthammer.  Viewers who embraced the erudite, thoughtful, sometimes curmudgeonly Krauthammer will grieve the loss.  The far smaller cast of poo-pooers of.. read more →

11 Jun 2018

Freedom’s Dramas

Humankind has struggled against and at times vanquished oppressors down through the ages.  Tyrannies under the guise of religious conformity, political doctrines and allegiance to charismatic leaders have existed since the beginning of organized society. Humanity has valiantly combatted despots, servitude, hegemony and the evils of one group subjugating another.  Wars are fought, societies rise.. read more →

Energy and the Administration: Wins – Yes, Style Points – Nope

How does the PolicySmith address, and civilly discuss, the Trump Administration and its substantial advancement of energy production and advocacy?  Hmmm.  There are the never-Trumpers who stop reading right here, the Trumpsters who can’t get enough of the in-your-face Presidential style – and – those struggling to square problematic behavior with the very real accomplishments.. read more →

China — The Trillion Dollar Question: How long can they have it both ways?

Answer: Not as long as it appears. First, a confession. The PolicySmith was nearing completion of this essay that was to lay out the case for the erosion and eventual implosion of the China model. Recent developments there indicate a compelling case could and should be made that China is experiencing grave difficulties. The imminent.. read more →

Moving Past Climate Derangement Syndrome

This site has discussed at length chicanery, hypocrisy and distortions of all stripes in the free-for-all on climate. This blog entry was to be another revelation of more drivel from news sources, more science grist for the mill and so on. That is until my editor, my son with whom I am well pleased, pointed.. read more →

Victory, Alaska!

Note to PolicySmith followers:  This post concludes our first calendar year.  Thank you for your interest.  There will be less frequent entries in the coming several months as we take some time away.  Look for a return in early spring.  Have a safe and prosperous 2018. The wild ride of this calendar year closes with.. read more →