Random takes while rehabbing…

Advanced years bring the inevitable maladies great and small. The PolicySmith and Mrs. PolicySmith relocated to Florida’s West Coast for a time to heal the effects of said maladies. While on the mend, headline issues fire the blood and drive one to the keyboard to laud/vent/rail at miscreants, missteps and the valiant alike. Herewith some.. read more →

16 Feb 2025
1 Comment

Hoopla, giveaways and bombast? Aplenty! Fiscal truths? Nah — still MIA

Here at the PolicyWorks, unvarnished reality is the guiding concept, always. Energy policy, elections and other policy issues are addressed with objectivity, simple declaratives, fact-based conclusions and an occasional bit of whimsy. We’ve always believed a solid punch in the face will get some attention. In our most recent previous essay we examined the absence.. read more →

Hiding the ugliest of truths — it’s Election 2024

As far back as anyone living today can recall, politics and elections are all about money. From campaign “war chests” to public works boondoggles to nest feathering of every stripe — the four-year Presidential sweepstakes are in the end all dollars all the time. To the victor goes the spoils. Should the Ds win, the.. read more →

22 Aug 2024
0 Comment

A curtain rises halfway, and descends with a thud

Twenty minutes elapsed in Donald Trump’s acceptance speech when his worst instincts took charge…his tired litany of complaints, namecalling and accusations are dead dogs that will not bark. Now, several weeks later, the shuffler-in-chief is an irrelevant observer of the 2024 campaign. With Willy Brown’s ex-squeeze having ascended to nominee, one might have expected Mr… read more →

Take your seats — the curtain rises

Election 2024 — The final Trump act — Redemption or Perdition? Can a single bullet fired by a 20-year-old malcontent in rural Pennsylvania change the course of history?…of the fortunes of the Free World? …of one Donald J. Trump? When the man takes to the stage on the evening of July 18 all the world.. read more →

Oblivion Beckons — Part II of II

In Part I misguided administration actions on all things climate change were partially listed. These paint the picture of incoherence and misdirection — efforts to hide the ball and deceive the public appear to be the every day mission of the Biden Administration. One cannot help but draw that conclusion as the administrative state seeks.. read more →

Final Stop, Oblivion

Part I of II John Kerry relinquishes Special Climate Envoy post to accept role in Biden presidential campaign — modern record for consecutive political failures within reach! Following the climate confab — COP28 — in Dubai late last year, John Kerry celebrated the “transition from fossil fuels” signed by 200 countries. It was the latest.. read more →

Robert Booth Fowler 1940-2024

Scholar, Professor/Teacher, Author, Enigma, Beloved Friend This truly whole, devout, charming, self-effacing gentleman quietly exited on a Saturday afternoon in mid-January. His hearty laugh and rapier wit silenced by an auto immune disorder with no known cure. We came to know Booth and his wife, Alice Honeywell, less than four years ago. Like many in.. read more →

17 Jan 2024

9/11: Being there — 12/23: Being here

Twenty-two years ago your scribe was in Washington, DC. On a beautiful Tuesday morning, standing curbside outside the Independent Petroleum Association HQ with my fellow Government Affairs practitioners, we were hailing taxis to the Hill. Just before 9am, IPAA’s Ben Dillon walked toward us waving us back into the office, “You’ve got to see this!”.. read more →

Paris Climate Accords: Paving the Road to Hell

Among the most shopworn and tired of aphorisms, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” quote is credited variously to Sant Bernard of Clairvaux around 1150, to Karl Marx among others, and a song by that title was penned by Chris Rea and released in 1989. A babe in the woods (and green.. read more →