03 Mar 2017

A Path Forward for the Least Among Us

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The primary intellectual and vocational focus of the PolicySmith is energy, and the ways in which conventional fuels substantially better the lives of those who utilize them. With that in mind, I offer a new way of considering Black Lives Matter, and one that could embolden and improve the lives of a large sector of the world’s populace with an evolution of how energy is utilized.

The poorest among us, the starving in sub-Saharan Africa, refugees from Zimbabwe’s murderous thug Mugabe, innocents caught in the Boko Haram nightmare and the savagery between the Hutus and the Tutsis.  What of those lives? How can we better their lives? Help them escape famine, mitigate drought, and combat tyranny?

The lone path forward is conventional fuels to supply electricity, transport, health care, education and viable economies. The liberal elite policies of so-called “renewable” energy, “sustainability” and other low-intensity energy sources are beyond the means of these unfortunates. Climate change/global warming are pretty low on the list when life is on the line due to starvation, murder and disease.

The lead photo of this piece is a satellite image of the island of Hispaniola. On the left is Haiti, still burning wood, and on the right, the Dominican Republic, who incentivized natural gas cook stoves. The contrast in the health of their forests, and, by extension, their environment, is striking.

The liberal elite policies of so-called “renewable” energy, “sustainability” and other low-intensity energy sources are beyond the means of these unfortunates. Climate change/global warming are pretty low on the list when life is on the line due to starvation, murder and disease. The lone path forward is conventional fuels to supply electricity, transport, health care, education and viable economies.

Bjorn Lomborg, the Skeptical Environmentalist, has written at length about skewed priorities of the liberal elite.  Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, vigorously defends conventional fuels and the quality of life they bring.  The Policysmith agrees and offers two simple axioms – dig a hole and money comes out – and – nothing happens until someone digs a hole – simple unassailable truths. 

Humanity has no right to consign those of color, for that matter any disadvantaged, to lives of want and privation.  Yes Black Lives Matter – innocents here, and, those abroad tortured by murderous dictators, those living in drought, famine and disease.

Yes – we should seek a less intense impact on land, water and air.  Yes – our stewardship of the planet matters, profoundly.  That stewardship must encompass not just natural resources, but every single soul, to do less truly endangers our species.


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